Corporate governance

As a member of the Tokyo Water Group, Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. ensures full compliance, contributes to society through its abundant experience and reliable technological expertise, and aims to increase customer satisfaction and create rich value.
The company will not only enhance its governance, compliance, and human resource development with the aim of fulfilling its mission to serve the public interest as a member of the Tokyo Water Group, but also construct an efficient and effective operational structure as a comprehensive provider of water supply services.

Main meeting bodies

Main organizations for internal controls, etc. Roles, functions, etc.
Board of Directors
  • Corporate decision making
  • Supervision of directors
Audit and Supervisory Committee
  • Audit of execution of duties by directors
  • Creation of auditing reports
Audit Office
  • Audit of compliance with laws, regulations, and other legal requirements, execution of duties, etc.
  • Reporting of internal audit results and other information to Audit and Supervisory Committee
Corporate meetings
  • More than one meeting body is established in each operating department to ensure that operations are managed and executed efficiently.
Risk Management Committee
  • Company-wide risk management

Corporate governance

Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. is a public-service corporation that was founded as a member of the Tokyo Water Group. The company has established the basic policy based on a resolution adopted by its Board of Directors with the aim of meeting the expectations of Tokyo residents, achieving sustainable growth, increasing its corporate value over the long term, and realizing optimal corporate governance while remaining fully aware of its missions as a corporation financed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Internal controls

When establishing a system for ensuring that directors execute their duties in full compliance with the law and the articles of incorporation and a system that guarantees the appropriateness of its operations, Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall do so in line with the basic policy for ensuring the legal and efficient execution of operations.

Risk management

Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall promote risk management in line with the basic policy to recognize the many different risks that it faces, prevent the risk of losses and minimize the influence of any losses that cannot be prevented, and achieve its strategic management goals.


Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. aims to increase the satisfaction of its customers, local community members, business partners, employees and many other members of society and create rich value for them by achieving high compliance and remaining fully aware of its mission to serve the public as a member of the Tokyo Water Group. At the same time, it also aims to contribute to society by leveraging its abundant experience and reliable technological expertise to ensure a stable supply of water that is safe and tasty.

Privacy policy

Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall establish, implement, and maintain a personal information management system for the appropriate handling and protection of personal information. Employees and other related parties shall take the utmost care when handling personal information under this system and do their best to protect personal information.

Privacymark certification information

Registration no.
Duration of validity
August 12, 2023,to August 11, 2025
Examining authority
Japan Information Technology Service Industry Association


Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. ensures a reliable supply of quality products and services with the aim of serving the public through its operations and achieving greater competitiveness.

QMS certification information

Applicable standard no.
JIS Q 9001:2015(ISO 9001:2015)
Registration no.
Scope of registration
  • Contract work concerning the design, development, and maintenance of information systems, the construction and operation of infrastructure, and the provision of help desk services
  • Contract work concerning the provision of contact point services for water utilities (water meter reading, rate collection, etc.)
  • Contract work concerning the construction and operation of call centers (customer centers) for water utilities
First registration date
August 26, 2002
Duration of validity
Until August 25, 2026
Examining authority
Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers(CM008)

Information security

Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. always prioritizes customer trust and manages its customer information and all of the other information assets that it handles with the utmost care and diligence in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
To achieve this objective, the company shall construct an information security management system (ISMS) and endeavor to provide the level of information security required to protect the information assets that it owns from all types of threats through effective operations and continued improvements to the system.

ISMS certification information

Applicable standard no.
Registration no.
Scope of registration
1. Consultation on information processing systems
2. System development
3. System operation and maintenance
4. Network construction, operation, and maintenance
5. Outsourced paperwork concerning public projects
6. Contact center construction and operation
7. Information education services
8. Packaged software sales
First registration date
August 4, 2003
Duration of validity
Until August 3, 2027
Examining authority
Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers(ISR005)

Criteria for independence

Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. will regard its outside directors and outside director candidates as independent if the results of checks conducted by the company to the most reasonable extent possible indicate that none of the criteria apply to them.
