Solution promotion

Domestic waterworks

Taking advantage of the experience and expertise that we have accumulated over the course of more than half a century in the areas of water rate collection and information technology, we offer optimal combinations of customer services and IT solutions mainly to public organizations in a variety of different regions.

Support work commissioned in association with the amendment of the Waterworks Law

Enacted on October 1, 2019, the amended Waterworks Law requires water suppliers to enhance their waterworks infrastructure.
Taking advantage of the know-how and proven track record that we have built up in relation to waterworks management, we are willing to offer support in many different ways.

Promotion of appropriate asset management

With the aim of improving waterworks facility ledgers, we provide support for the following: surveys on the current condition of water supply facilities; management of documents related to the completion of construction, inspections, updates, etc.; coordination with fixed asset registers; and creation of asset management documents. We also offer support for the establishment of renewal plans for waterworks facilities by developing an understanding of the overall condition of the facilities based on the waterworks facility ledgers and taking into account factors such as the degree of obsolescence and future water distribution plans.

Promotion of private-public partnerships

While providing support for the outsourcing of comprehensive work packages to third parties and the introduction of the concession model, we also monitor the subcontractors as a third-party organization.

Improvement of the plumbing contractor designation system

In response to the introduction of a renewal system for designated plumbing contractors, we undertake the provision of training with an emphasis on ensuring the appropriate implementation of construction work, which is the aim of the system’s introduction.

Measures for increasing the rate of accounted-for water

We undertake contract work to address one of the greatest challenges facing waterworks: improving the rate of accounted-for water.

Leakage detection

Detecting water leaks and implementing the necessary countermeasures is an indispensable aspect of improving the rate of accounted-for water. Most leakages tend to be subsurface ones, which are often detected long after they first occur. We have developed a wide variety of equipment that is designed to reduce water leakages, and we own a variety of efficient and effective leakage detection technologies.
Our technologies are the reason why the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks has been able to achieve the amazingly low leakage rate of 3%, one of the lowest rates in the world. If you are struggling to increase your rate of accounted-for water, feel free to contact us.

Leakage prevention measures

Water leakage can cause not only turbidity and interruptions to the supply of water, but also even heavier damage at times, such as road depressions and flooding. To avoid such risks, it is critical that you implement daily measures for leakage prevention. These measures should, however, vary according to factors such as the water resource, the facility conditions of the individual water supplier, and how their pipes are buried.
Since our staff have gained the necessary know-how by experiencing leak detection operations under many different conditions and are well-versed in leakage prevention measures, we can provide water suppliers with the solutions that they really need.

Consultation on facility maintenance and management

Water supply services provide a lifeline for civic life, so it is essential that we continue to ensure a reliable supply of water and maintain high standards for our water services.
We offer support to water suppliers facing challenges related to waterworks technologies caused by a need to increase their managerial efficiency, a shortage of experienced engineers, and other such factors by providing them with the consulting services that they need.

If you wish to conduct surveys, analysis, etc. on water pipes

We will conduct surveys and an analysis of the present condition of your pipelines from multiple viewpoints (e.g., the functionality of distribution pipes and valves and how the pipes are buried) and propose possible solutions to any issues that are identified.

If you wish to have your waterworks structures (e.g., purification plants) assessed

We will conduct surveys to ascertain the current condition of your civil engineering structures (e.g., service reservoirs andreceiving wells in purification plants or distribution stations as well as ancillary equipment and buildings) and make proposals on how to take care of deteriorated or unsafe areas. We can also make proposals on how to conduct a seismic diagnosis of the structures. Furthermore, we can measure and analyze the distribution amounts from service reservoirs to clarify how water is distributed during the day and at night, judge whether there are any water leaks in the service reservoirs, and so on.

If you wish to develop waterworks facility renewal plans, etc.

We will propose medium-to long-term plans and efficient waterworks facility renewal plans by taking advantage of our technological infrastructure based on water facility surveys and assessments to help you achieve sustainable waterworks operations.

If you wish to create operating manuals, specifications, etc.

Taking full advantage of the technical knowledge, skills, and know-how that we have developed as a semi-public sector company that works with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we can create various types of operating manuals and specifications that are essential for the smooth promotion of water supply operations.

If you wish to evaluate outsourced operations

We will accurately evaluate the execution of any facility management operations that you have outsourced to contractors and propose measures for greater operating efficiency accordingly.

Proposals based on our operational support system

Water supply services provide a lifeline for civic life, so it is essential that we continue to ensure a reliable supply of water and maintain high standards for our water services. At the same time, however, greater efficiency is now required as there has been a drop in the number of experienced engineers and size of the workforce.
In response to these changing social needs and other such issues, we offer support to water suppliers facing a variety of challenges by providing them with the consulting services that they need based on the waterworks technologies and know-how that we have accumulated as well as our high-quality operational support system.

If you wish to further increase the rate of accounted-for water (conduct more efficient leak detections)

Using the conventional house-to-house acoustic leakage sound detection method to complete the detection of leaks throughout the whole service area requires a great deal of time, effort, and money. This is where our screening leak-detection technologies come in, as they offer a more efficient means of leak detection.

Reducing the labor burden on leak detection personnel to about one tenth of its current level! TS Leak Checker: The technology behind the world-class leakage rate of 3%
Allowing water meter readings and leak detection operations to be carried out at the same time (approx. five seconds), this device screens the leakage sound data to identify whether there is any water leakage. We conduct more detailed house-to-house acoustic leakage sound detections only if the screening results indicate the presence of leaks in order to facilitate the early and efficient detection of water leaks.
In addition, the TS Leak Checker enables the integrated management of leak detection data and water meter reading data (customer information) when used in combination with a handy meter reading terminal. It can also be used in coordination with map information.

*The TS Leak Checker has been jointly developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. and Nihon Water Solution Co., Ltd.

Feel free to contact us!
The more advanced model of the TS Leak Checker (SV2000) is equipped with a meter reading function that reads the meter indicator values optically while at the same time collecting leak detection data. It then records and stores the image data automatically and enters the meter reading values.
This device enables the management of sales and administrative operations to be integrated more efficiently by achieving labor savings to streamline the water meter reading process and enabling both the water meter reading and leak detection processes to be completed at the same time.
Taking advantage of our technologies and know-how as described above, we will propose service plans that will contribute to your business operations.

*The TS Leak Checker equipped with a meter reading function (SV2000) has been jointly developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.,Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, and Nihon Water Solution Co., Ltd.

Leakage detection

TS Leak Checker(time integration-type leak detector)

We take measurements from service pipes, water meters, and other such equipment and detect the sound of water leaking in their proximity. When it is used to take measurements for service pipes, water meters, and other such equipment, the TS Leak Checker distinguishes between the continuous vibration sound associated with leaking water and other transient noise through time integration to judge whether any water leakages are present in the surrounding area.
This device is easy to operate and can be used to take water meter readings at the same time, thereby reducing the costs involved in conducting leak detection work.


  • Allows anyone to detect leaks easily
  • Can also be used during the day without any noise disturbance or other unwanted sounds (reduces the need for night-shift work)
  • Reduces the measurement time (1–5 s)
  • Compatible with a wide range of piping (PVC pipes, etc.)
  • Equipped with a built-in memory that can store up to between 2,000 and 3,000 leak detection data items
  • Equipped with built-in Bluetooth technology (for the wireless transfer of the measurement data to PCs, etc.)

TS Leak Checker

This device won the IWA-PIA2010 East Asia Grand Award in the Operation/Management category.

The International Water Association (IWA) presents its Project Innovation Awards (PIA) to recognize and commend excellence and innovation in water-related engineering projects.
When we entered the PIA in 2010, we won the East Asia Grand Award in the Operation/Management category for our leakage prevention technology using the TS Leak Checker, the product described below.

*The TS Leak Checker (SV1108A), the stick-type TS Leak Checker (SV1109), and the new-version TS Leak Checker (SV1110) have been jointly developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. and Nihon Water Solution Co., Ltd.

*The version of the TS Leak Checker that is equipped with a meter reading function (SV2000) has been jointly developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd., Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, and Nihon Water Solution Co., Ltd.

If you wish to have turbidity eliminated or the insides of your water pipes inspected

As water pipes age, foreign matter (e.g., iron rust, manganese oxide, sand, and seal coating) may be deposited inside them, and the water can become turbid due to changes in the flow direction, demand fluctuations, and other such factors. We provide support services that enable you to locate the causes of water turbidity, propose countermeasures, and implement immediate measures (drainage and internal washing for TS distribution pipes). We also investigate the insides of the water pipes using in-pipe cameras and in-pipe underwater robots to examine them and make proposals that can be included in renewal plans.

  • If you wish to resolve red water issues
  • If you wish to resolve turbid water issues caused by sand, seal coating, or other foreign matter
  • If you wish to check the internal conditions of your water pipes (joints, etc.)

*The internal washing method for TS distribution pipes has been jointly developed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks, TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd., and Kubota Corporation.

Internal washing of distribution pipes

Internal washing method for TS distribution pipes

This method offers an effective means of removing foreign matter (e.g., deteriorated seal coating) that has adhered to the inside of the distribution pipes.
A cleaning head is inserted from the fire hydrant T-tube, without any need for excavation or pipe-cutting, to remove foreign matter that has adhered to or accumulated on the inside of a distribution pipe. If foreign matter cannot be removed from the inside of the pipes by drainage washing, this method is an effective alternative as it allows the pipes to be cleaned by jet-spraying high-pressure water from the cleaning head and using a rapidly rotating brush.


  • Eliminates the need for excavation or pipe-cutting
  • Compatible with a broad range of distribution pipe diameters (φ75–350)
  • Allows cleaning to be performed with only a short interruption to supply, thereby causing little impact
  • Enables a long distance of up to 200 m/section to be cleaned on both sides of the insertion opening
  • Materials that can be removed: manganese, water scale, deteriorated seal coating, etc.

*This method has been jointly developed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks, TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. and Kubota Corporation.

Appearance of the cleaning head (φ150)

If you wish to identify trends in the water supply network, such as those related to the flow rate, speed and direction, and water quality

Developing an accurate understanding of the water supply management and conditions of the distribution pipe network is an indispensable part of ensuring an efficient water supply. We have developed our own proprietary hydraulic and water quality measuring equipment that offers an easy, low-cost means of visualizing the conditions of distribution pipe networks.
This technology allows us to provide total solutions based on actual data to resolve the following challenges faced by water suppliers:

(1) Improvement of the rate of accounted-for water
A hydraulic information sensor can be used to measure the minimum night flow rate within a water distribution area. This enables you to ascertain the leakage volume in the service area or section so that you can implement efficient measures to increase the rate of accounted-for water.
(2) Monitoring of water quality
A water quality information sensor can be used to check the status of stagnant water and residual chlorine in the service area or section. This enables you to establish efficient measures for reducing the amount of stagnant water and residual chlorine in order to optimize your water management.
(3) Pipeline rehabilitation planning (reflecting system changes)
We provide various types of planning support, such as the establishment of safe, waste-free pipeline rehabilitation plans, by installing multiple units of our hydraulic and water quality measuring equipment in order to take hydraulic and water quality measurements in the distribution area and ascertain what influence the system changes have.

*This product has been jointly developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. and Hitachi High-Tech Solutions Corporation.

Hydraulic and water quality surveys

Hydraulic and water quality information sensor

A new type of sensor that offers unprecedented compactness and energy-saving performance! Not only that, it is smaller (approx. 45%–60%) and provides more efficient electric power consumption (approx. 75%) than conventional models! Using fire hydrants and air valves, this sensor can simultaneously measure and record six different types of hydraulic and water quality data.
Installing multiple sensor units enables you to analyze various types of hydraulic and water quality information, such as the water flow conditions and water quality changes within a specific section of the water distribution network. The results can then be used to create basic information materials for distribution network analysis, measure the effectiveness of maintenance operations, and so on.


  • Allows the measurement and recording of multiple items (water pressure, flow rate, flow direction, residual chlorine, electrical conductivity, and water temperature)
  • Enables measurements to be taken for extended periods (10 consecutive days) with no interruption to supply
  • A portable model that eliminates the need for excavation or pipe-cutting work
  • Watertight structure (equivalent to IP68)
  • High reliability ensured

*This product has been jointly developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. and Hitachi High-Tech Solutions Corporation.

If you wish to increase the efficiency of application acceptance and inspection operations for water service installation works

Water service installation work often requires you to negotiate with contact persons repeatedly to gain access to the installation site drawings, apply to acquire them, and then amend them after the completion of installation. This huge time-cost trade off poses a challenge.
Our water service installation electronic application system, which is provided through a partnership between TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. and Aqueduct Mapping System Co., Ltd., can deliver the streamlining benefits described below.

(1) Benefits to designated contractors
You can gain access to documents related to your water service installation work and complete the necessary applications online from your place of work. This can save you visits to public offices and reduce the time required to complete the installation applications.
(2) Benefits to water suppliers
Compulsory items on the application forms and other documentation will be checked automatically. This will result in substantial labor savings in terms of the contact point service and the application examination operations. Furthermore, digitization of the applicants’ design and completion drawings facilitates easier coordination with many other systems. Consequently, you can increase the efficiency of your information management.

If you wish to streamline the operations involved in service pipe branching, leakage repairs, and distribution pipe construction

Construction work often involves on-site supervision activities, such as checking the construction site or conducting an inspection.
The field management system developed by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. allows users to carry out inspection and supervision operations from their office by using the camera function of their smartphones.
Using this system, you can expand your service areas, address the shortage of professional engineers, and efficiently maintain and improve the quality of field inspections at construction sites.
Leveraging this system allows us to propose different operational flows to suit the different operating structures of individual water suppliers.

Human resource development for increased technological capabilities

We provide training led by professional staff by, for example, dispatching instructors to teach in specialist waterworks technology training programs hosted by water suppliers, the Japan Water Works Association, and other parties as well as organizing and running our own seminars for groups of participants.

If you wish to increase the technological capabilities of engineering staff

We provide seminars and other training programs for engineering staff by incorporating the latest technologies and other resources.
We contribute to the development of a wide range of waterworks engineers by providing practical training with the aim of not only helping to pass on technological skills (e.g., water pipe-joining and leakage prevention techniques), but also allowing participants to gain knowledge and skills concerning water treatment and the management of electrical equipment.

If you wish to increase your technological capabilities as plumbing contractors

Taking full advantage of our advanced waterworks technologies and abundant experience, we can meet the demands of local plumbing contractors who wish to develop high-quality waterworks engineers and increase their technological capabilities.
For example, we can provide technological support to meet the realities faced by water suppliers, covering all aspects of the water supply process, such as acquiring knowledge and skills related to on-site safety management for water service installation work, practical operations for branch perforation, the installation and removal of meters, water treatment and maintenance for facilities and equipment, the laying and joining of pipes of varied sizes, practical piping operations, and leakage detection and repairs.
